Research Bibliography:

Intralingual Subtitles (Captions) and

Foreign/Second Language Acquisition


This chronological bibliography lists publications on the effects of using audiovisual media with intralingual subtitles (a.k.a. bimodal/same language/target language/L2 subtitles or captions) in the foreign/second language classroom that are based on empirical research. Its initial sources are the bibliographies included in two papers which I have written for the German academic journal Zeitschrift für Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik (ZRomSD)*. The first article, which appeared in 2010, reports the findings of approximately fifty empirical studies. The second paper, published in 2013, reviews about forty publications not mentioned in my earlier article. This chronological bibliography comprises the data of those bibliographies and more than 600 new titles have since been added. I will try to update this bibliography regularly.

The bibliography has two restrictions: Studies that are not based on the use of audiovisual media like films, TV programmes and computer animations are not included; so, for instance, research focussing on the combination of speech and text on a screen without any pictures is ignored. A large number of studies have been written in Japanese, Korean and Chinese; regrettably, they cannot be included here since I do not speak these languages. A few publications in East Asian languages are listed, though, because they have detailed abstracts in English; these entries are marked accordingly.

Users of the bibliography are invited to suggest additions (e-mail:

*Burger, Günter (2010). Die Verwendung intralingualer Untertitel beim Einsatz audiovisueller Medien. Hindernis oder Hilfe für den Fremdsprachenerwerb? [The Use of Intralingual Subtitles with Audiovisual Media. Hindrance or Help for Foreign Language Learning?] ZRomSD 4.1, 9-21.
Burger, Günter (2013). Weitere Forschungen zur Verwendung von intralingualen Untertiteln beim Einsatz audiovisueller Medien. Ergänzungen zu einem Beitrag in ZRomSD 4,1 (2010). [More Research on the Use of Intralingual Subtitles with Audiovisual Media. A Follow-Up to an Article in ZRomSD 4,1 (2010)] ZRomSD 7.2, 9-24.
A third paper reviewing more recent research is now available in the same journal: Burger, Günter (2023). Audiovisuelle Medien mit intralingualen Untertiteln im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht – ein Review der empirischen Forschung seit 2011/2012. [Audiovisual Media with Intralingual Subtitles in the Second Language Classroom – A Review of Empirical Research Published since 2011/2012] ZRomSD 17.1, 37-59.
*A fourth paper reviewing studies on dual (bilingual) subtitles is now also available: Burger, Günter (2024). Lesen dualer Untertitel beim Ansehen von Videos – ein nützliches Verfahren für den Fremdsprachenerwerb? [Reading dual subtitles while watching videos – a useful method for second language acquisition?] Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache 51.1, 45-59 (

(First published: 26th February 2013; last modified: 5th September 2024)

Price, Karen (1983). Closed-Captioned TV. An Untapped Resource. MATSOL Newsletter 12.2, 1 and 8.

Vanderplank, Robert (1988). The value of teletext sub-titles in language learning. ELT Journal 42.4, 272-281.

Markham, Paul L. (1989). The Effects of Captioned Television Videotapes on the Listening Comprehension of Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced ESL Students. Educational Technology 29.10, 38-41.

Neuman, Susan B. & Koskinen, Patricia (1990). Using Captioned Television To Improve the Reading Proficiency of Language Minority Students. Falls Church, VA: The National Captioning Institute,Inc.

Vanderplank, Robert (1990). Paying Attention to the Words. Practical and Theoretical Problems in Watching Television Programmes with Uni-Lingual (Ceefax) Sub-Titles. System 18.2, 221-234.

Garza, Thomas J. (1991). Evaluating the Use of Captioned Video Materials in Advanced Foreign Language Learning. Foreign Language Annals 24.3, 239-258.

Danan, Martine. (1992). Reversed Subtitling and Dual Coding Theory. New Directions for Foreign Language Instruction. Language Learning 42.4, 497-527.

Neuman, Susan B. & Koskinen, Patricia (1992). Captioned television as comprehensible input. Effects of incidental word learning from context for language minority students. Reading Research Quarterly 27.1, 95-106. (See also Klingner 1993 and Neuman & Koskinen 1993!)

Seriwong, Somjai (1992). A Pilot Study on the Effects of Closed-Captioned Television on English as a Second Language Students' Listening Comprehension. Ph.D. Thesis: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Smith, Eric E. & Shen, Chung-wei (1992). The Effects of Knowledge of Results Feedback of Captioning on Listening Comprehension of English as a Second Language in Interactive Videodisc System. In: Simonson, Michael R. & Jurasek, Karen A. (eds.), 14th Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the 1992 Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, 718-742.

Vanderplank, Robert (1992). Non-native speaker viewers' use of teletext sub-titles in English. Some exploratory studies. In: Davies, Graham & Hussey, Michael (eds.), New Technology in Language Learning. Proceedings of the 1989 Man and the Media Symposium. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 89-102.

Markham, P. L. (1992/1993). Captioned Television Videotapes. Effects of Visual Support on Second Language Comprehension. Journal of Educational Technology Systems 21.3, 183-191.

Hirose, Keiko & Kamei, Setsuko (1993). Effects of English Captions in Relation to Learner Proficiency Level and Type of Information. Language Laboratory 30, 1-16.

Klingner, Janette Kettmann (1993). Commentary: Comprehensible comments on Neuman and Koskinen (1992). Reading Research Quarterly 28.4, 377-382.

Neuman, Susan B. & Koskinen, Patricia (1993). On forests and trees: A response to Klingner. Reading Research Quarterly 28.4, 383-385.

Borrás, Isabel & Lafayette, Robert C. (1994). Effects of Multimedia Courseware Subtitling on the Speaking Performance of College Students of French. Modern Language Journal 78.1, 61-75.

Kamei, Setsuko & Hirose, Keiko (1994). Multimedia Effects on L2 Comprehension in Relation to English Learner Proficiency Level. Language Laboratory 31, 1-17. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Ogasawara, Shinji (1994). Effectiveness of Using English Captioned Videos on Listening Comprehension Proficiency. Bulletin of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Nagasaki University (Humanities) 35.1, 103-114.

Shang-Ikeda, Sophia (1994). Using Captions Increases Comprehension. JALT Journal 16.1, 83-89.

Weasenforth, Donald L. (1994). Closed Captioning. Students' Responses. ERIC Document #ED370434 (

Chiquito, Ana Beatriz (1995). Metacognitive Learning Techniques in the User Interface. Advance Organizers and Captioning. Computers and the Humanities 28, 211-223.

Shizuka, Tetsuhito (1995). Whether, When, and How to Utilize the Printed Script of a Film. A Good Substitute for L2 Subtitles? IRLT Bulletin 9, 69-95.

Kikuchi, Toshikazu (1996). A Study of the Effects of an English-Captioned Movie on Rapid Reading and Listening Comprehension. Teaching English through Movies - ATEM Journal 2, 34-43. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Koskinen, Patricia S. & Knable, James E. & Markham, Paul L. & Jensema, Carl J. & Kane, Kathryn W. (1995/96). Captioned Television and the Vocabulary Acquisition of Adult Second Language Correctional Facility Residents. Journal of Educational Technology Systems 24.4, 359-373.

Obari, Hiroyuki (1996). A Cross-Sectional Study of Effectiveness on Listening Comprehension of the Use of Japanese Subtitled and English Captioned Videos. Teaching English through Movies - ATEM Journal 2, 11-22. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Zamoon, Sarah Rose (1996). Closed captioned television. A perceived means to self-help in second language learning. MA Thesis: Iowa State University, Ames.

Chung, Jing-Mei (1996/1997). The Effects of Using Advance Organizers and Captions to Introduce Video in the Foreign Language Classroom. TESL Canada Journal 14.1, 61-65.

Guillory, Helen Gant (1998). The Effects of Keyword Captions to Authentic French Video on Learner Comprehension. CALICO Journal 15.1-3, 89-108.

Kadoyama, Teruhiko (1998). Combined Use of English and Japanese Subtitles in Film Videos. An Attempt to Make Closed Captions More Accessible to Learners. ARELE - Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan 9, 53-63.

Kikuchi, Toshikazu (1998). A Preliminary Study of Key-Word English Captions. Teaching English through Movies - ATEM Journal 4, 3-13. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Yoshida, Haruyo & Uematsu, Shigeo & Yoshida, Shinsuke & Takeuchi, Osamu (1998). Modalities of Subtitling and Foreign Language Learning. Language Laboratory Association Journal of Kansai Chapter 7, 49-63.

Baltova, Iva (1999). The Effect of Subtitled and Staged Video Input on the Learning and Retention of Content and Vocabulary in a Second Language. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Toronto.

Chung, Jing-mei (1999). The Effects of Using Video Texts Supported with Advance Organizers and Captions on Chinese College Students' Listening Comprehension. An Empirical Study. Foreign Language Annals 32.3, 295-308.

Kang, Hoo-Dong (1999). The effects of a caption-viewing strategy on students with limited listening proficiency. Foreign Languages Education 6, 297-323. (In Korean with English abstract)

Kikuchi, Toshikazu (1999). A Preliminary Study of the Effectiveness of Key-Word English Captions on Listening Comprehension. Memoirs of Numazu College of Technology 33, 135-146. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Li, Suk Fong (1999). The use of film subtitles in teaching English to the junior form students. MA Thesis: University of Hong Kong.

Markham, Paul (1999). Captioned Videotapes and Second-Language Listening Word Recognition. Foreign Language Annals 32.3, 321-328.

Baltova, Iva (1999/2000). Multisensory Language Teaching in a Multidimensional Curriculum. The Use of Authentic Bimodal Video in Core French. Canadian Modern Language Review 56.1, 31-48.

Huang, Hsin-Chuan & Eskey, David E. (1999/2000). The Effects of Closed-Captioned Television on the Listening Comprehension of Intermediate English As a Second Language (ESL) Students. Journal of Educational Technology Systems 28.1, 75-96.

Lee, Soo-Kil (2000). How to Improve English Ability through Closed Captioning. English Language Teaching (Pan-Korea English Teachers Association) 12.2, 47-64.

Liversidge, Gordon (2000). Multimedia Texts. A Validation Survey of Learners' Perspectives of Captioning. Otsuma Women's University Annual Report, Humanities and Social Sciences 32, 79-93.

Liversidge, Gordon Barry (2000). The Role of Closed Captioning in Second Language Acquisition. Ed.D. Thesis: Temple University Japan.

Shea, Peter (2000). Leveling the Playing Field. A Study of Captioned Interactive Video for Second Language Learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research 22.3, 243-263.

Suh, Chun-Soo & Kang, Hoo-Dong (2000). BCR Effect and Caption Presentation Rate to Students with Limited Listening Proficiency. English Language Teaching (Pan-Korea English Teachers Association) 12.2, 1-25.

Yoshino, Shiho & Kano, Noriko (2000). The Effects of the L1 and L2 Caption Presentation Timing on Listening Comprehension. In: Bourdeau, Jacqueline & Heller, Rachelle (eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2000. Charlottesville, VA: AACE, 1209-1214.

Yoshino, Shiho & Kano, Noriko & Akahori, Kanji (2000). The Effects of English and Japanese Captions on the Listening Comprehension of Japanese EFL Students. Language Laboratory 37, 111-130.

Markham, Paul (2000/2001). The Influence of Culture-Specific Background Knowledge and Captions on Second Language Comprehension. Journal of Educational Technology Systems 29.4, 331-343.

Markham, Paul L. & Peter, Lizette A. & McCarthy, Teresa J. (2001). The Effects of Native Language vs. Target Language Captions on Foreign Language Students' DVD Video Comprehension. Foreign Language Annals 34.5, 439-445.

Taura, Hideyuki & Taura, Amanda (2001). Modality Effects on L2 Listening Comprehension Skills through DVD Movies. Journal of Fukui Medical University 2.1/2, 65-70. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Kikuchi, Toshikazu (2002). The Efficacy of Keyword Captions on Listening Comprehension. Teaching English through Movies - ATEM Journal 7, 3-15. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Kikuchi, Toshikazu (2002). An Experiment on the Long-Term Effects of Keyword Captions. Memoirs of Numazu College of Technology 36, 171-180.

Pujolà, Joan-Tomàs (2002). CALLing for help: researching language learning strategies using help facilities in a web-based multimedia program. ReCALL 14.2, 235-262.

Taura, Hideyuki (2002). Effective Use of DVD Movies in the Classroom in Terms of Modality Effects on L2 Listening Skill Improvement. In: Swanson, Malcolm & McMurray, David (eds.), On PAC3 at JALT2001. A Language Odyssey. Tokyo: JALT, 315-327.

Taura, Hideyuki (2002). L1/L2 Modality Effects on Listening Comprehension - Through a Term Long Usage of DVD Movies. Media and Education 8, 103-113. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Markham, Paul & Peter, Lizette (2002/2003). The Influence of English Language and Spanish Language Captions on Foreign Language Listening/Reading Comprehension. Journal of Educational Technology Systems 31.3, 331-341.

Acosta Matos, Héctor A. (2003). The Effects of Closed Captions upon the Listening Comprehension of Students Learning English As a Second Language in an Intermediate School in Puerto Rico. MA Thesis: University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

Chang, Suhsun (2003). The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy Training on the Second Language Listening Comprehension Through the Use of Subtitles. Journal of National Taipei University of Technology 36.1, 151-182.

Hwang, Yan-Ling (2003). The Effect of the Use of Videos Captioning on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) on College Students' Language Learning in Taiwan. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Mississippi, Oxford.

Kikuchi, Toshikazu (2003). The Efficacy of Keyword Captions on the Improvement of EFL Students' Listening Comprehension. Memoirs of Numazu College of Technology 37, 193-204.

Wei, Jung-Kuei (2003). The Effect of Meaningful-Making Technology on Learning a Foreign Language. Integrating Video Clips with Two Captioning Modes on a Simulated German-Learning Website. Ed.D. Thesis: Idaho State University, Pocatello.

Çilek, Selahattin (2004). An Applied Study of Close-Captioned Video on Advanced Students of English As Listening Comprehension Material. Master's Thesis: Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya.

Elvin, Chris (2004). My Students' DVD Audio and Subtitle Preferences for Aural English Study. An Action Research Project. Explorations in Teacher Education 12.4, 3-17.

Herbert, Marianne (2004). The Use of DVD in Foreign Language Learning. Strategies used by Learners for Meaning Focused and Form Focused Tasks. BA Thesis: Trinity College Dublin.

Hernandez, Sylvia Sepulveda (2004). The Effects of Video and Captioned Text and the Influence of Verbal and Spatial Abilities on Second Language Listening Comprehension in a Multimedia Learning Environment. Ph.D. Thesis: New York University.

Luo, Jia-Jen (2004). Using DVD Films to Enhance College Frechmen's English Listening Comprehension and Motivation. Master's Thesis: National Tsinghua University.

Park, Myongsu (2004). Captioned Cinderella. English Teaching (Korea Association of Teachers of English) 59.4, 325-348.

Park, Myongsu (2004). The Effects of Partial Captions on Korean EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Texas at Austin.

Stewart, Melissa A. & Pertusa, Inmaculada (2004). Gains to Language Learners from Viewing Target Language Closed-Captioned Films. Foreign Language Annals 37.3, 438-447. (See also Markham 2005 and Stewart & Pertusa 2005!)

Tsai, Pei-hua (2004). An Analysis of the Effects of Multimedia on English Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students. Master's Thesis: National Changhua Normal University.

Uematsu, Shigeo (2004/2005). The Effectiveness of English Captions on English Language Learning Using DVD Movies. Journal of Multimedia Aided Education Research 1.1, 107-114. (In Japanese with English abstract)

Markham, Paul (2005). More on Caption Use. A Response to Stewart and Pertusa. Foreign Language Annals 38.2, 283.

Rozendaal, Christopher Mark (2005). Fluency through Friends. Authentic video, subtitle modification, and oral fluency. MA Thesis: Iowa State University, Ames.

Stewart, Melissa A. & Pertusa, Inmaculada (2005). Responding to Markham's Comments. Foreign Language Annals 38.2, 284.

Taylor, Gregory (2005). Perceived Processing Strategies of Students Watching Captioned Video. Foreign Language Annals 38.3, 422-427.

Wang, Hui (2005). The Effects of Captions on Chinese EFL Students' Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition. Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education 4, 47-52. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Yang, Ming-ying (2005). Effects of Captions on Listening Comprehension and Strategy Use by Taiwanese EFL Freshmen. A Case Study. Master's Thesis: National Changhua University of Education.

Barbosa, Edilene Rodrigues & Pereira, Germana da Cruz (2006). La utilización de películas subtituladas en el desarrollo de la proficiencia oral de alumnos de Lengua Española. In: Actas del Primer Congreso Virtual E/LE. La enseñanza del español en el siglo XXI. Málaga: Ediciones EdiEle.

Caimi, Annamaria (2006). Audiovisual Translation and Language Learning. The Promotion of Intralingual Subtitles. Journal of Specialised Translation 6, 85-98.

Chang, Suhsun (2006). The Interaction Between Schemata and Subtitles. Journal of National Taipei University of Technology 39.1, 209-227.

Cheng, Yong Rui (2006). A Comparative Study of Different Subtitling Formats in Two English News Broadcasts in Taiwan. Master's Thesis: National Tsinghua University.

Gomes, Francisco Wellington Borges (2006). O Uso de Filmes Legendados como Ferramenta para o Desenvolvimento da Proficiência Oral de Aprendizes de Língua Inglesa. Dissertação de Mestrado: Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Clausson, David (2007). Subtitles - To be or not to be. A Study of English Listening Comprehension among Swedish Students. BA Thesis: Halmstad University.

Cunha, Tiago Martins da (2007). O Uso de Filmes Legendados e do Ensino Comunicativo de Línguas no Desenvolvimento da Proficiência Oral em Nível Básico de Língua Estrangeira. Dissertação de Mestrado: Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Grgurovic, Maja & Hegelheimer, Volker (2007). Help Options and Multimedia Listening. Students' Use of Subtitles and the Transcript. Language Learning & Technology 11.1, 45-66.

Leiva de Izquierdo, Bertha (2007). Los videos subtitulados en inglés: un recurso subutilizado en la lectura del inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL). Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada 45, 81-102.

Tomita, Kaoru (2007). Does Presenting Captions Result in Better Listening Comprehension? JACET Zenkoku Taikai Yoko 46, 36-37.

Wang, Hui (2007). The Effects of Captions on Chinese EFL Students' Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition. CELEA Journal 30.4, 9-16.

Abdellah, Antar S. (2008). Can intralingual subtitling enhance English majors' listening comprehension of literary texts? Journal of Qena Faculty of Education 11.1.

Araújo, Vera Lúcia Santiago (2008). The educational use of subtitled films in EFL teaching. In: Díaz Cintas, Jorge (ed.), The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 227-238.

Bianchi, Francesca & Ciabattoni, Tiziana (2008). Captions and Subtitles in EFL Learning. An investigative study in a comprehensive computer environment. In: Baldry, Anthony & Pavesi, Maria & Torsello, Carol Taylor & Taylor, Christopher (eds.), From Didactas to Ecolingua. An Ongoing Research Project on Translation and Corpus Linguistics. Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 69-90.

Bravo, Maria da Conceição Condinho (2008). Putting the Reader in the Picture. Screen Translation and Foreign-Language Learning. Ph.D. Thesis: Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

Chai, Judy & Erlam, Rosemary (2008). The Effect and the Influence of the Use of Video and Captions on Second Language Learning. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 14.2, 25-44.

Guichon, Nicolas & McLornan, Sinead (2008). The effects of multimodality on L2 learners. Implications for CALL resource design. System 36.1, 85-93.

Özgen, Mehmet (2008). The Use of Authentic Captioned Video As Listening Comprehension Material in English Language Teaching. MA Thesis: Selçuk Universitesi, Konya.

Oliveira Filho, Luiz de (2008). Utilização da legendagem intralingüística no desenvolvimento da proficiência oral em língua francesa. Dissertação de Mestrado: Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Shalmani, Hamed Babaie (2008). On the Effects of Help Options in MCALL Programs on the Listening Comprehension of EFL Learners. Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran 2.6, 27-47.

Specker, Elizabeth A. (2008). L1/L2 Eye Movement Reading of Closed Captioning. A Multimodal Analysis of Multimodal Use. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Arizona.

Uehara, Keiko & Minegishi, Kazuya & Oguma, Kazuhiro & Yamazaki, Kaoru & Akaiwa, Toshinori (2008). Using English Films with English Subtitles to Develop English Proficiency of College Students Traning to Be English Teachers. Journal of Teaching Methodology, Gunma University 7, 79-94.

Wu, Taiwei (2008). Advance Organziers and Subtitles on College Students' Listening Performance. Master's Thesis: National Pingtung University of Education.

Gibbs, Charles (2009). Learner-controlled captioning: a new frontier? Exploring the impact of learner control on the development of listening skills in a multimedia environment. MA Thesis: Concordia University, Montreal.

Haghverdi, Hamid Reza & Vaezi, Mohammed Nasser (n.d.) [2009]. The Impact of English and Persian Movie Subtitle on the Listening Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners. (

Harvey, Myrcea Santiago dos Santos (2009). O uso didático do gênero filme legendado na aprendizagem de leitura de textos do gênero jornalístico/noticioso em inglês. Um estudo com alunos de uma escola pública de Fortaleza. Dissertação de Mestrado: Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Mitterer, Holger & McQueen, James M. (2009). Foreign Subtitles Help but Native-Language Subtitles Harm Foreign Speech Perception. PLoS ONE 4.11, e7785.

Osejo Fonseca, Sergio Esteban (2009). Implementación del Closed Caption y/o subtitulos para desarrollar la habilidad de comprensión auditiva en inglés como lengua extranjera. Trabajo de grado Licenciado en Lenguas Modernas: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá.

Qiu, Xue-lin (2009). Movie Captions and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition. Journal of Shunde Polytechnic 7.3, 63-65. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Tsai, Chia-jung (n.d.) [2009]. Insight into Learners' Perspectives on Watching Movies with L1 vs. L2 Subtitles. (

Tsai, Chia-jung & Huang, Shenghui Cindy (n.d.) [2009]. Target Language Subtitles for Comprehensible Film Language Input. (

Yuksel, Dogan & Tanriverdi, Belgin (2009). Effects of Watching Captioned Movie Clip on Vocabulary Development of EFL Learners. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 8.2, 48-54.

Zarei, Abbas Ali (2009). The Effect of Bimodal, Standard, and Reversed Subtitling on L2 Vocabulary Recognition and Recall. Pazhuhesh-e Zabanha-ye Khareji 49, 65-84.

Alameen, Ghinwa (2010). The Role of Video Subtitling in Listening Comprehension. In: Levis, John M. & LeVelle, Kimberly (eds.), Technology for Oral Communication. Ames: Iowa State University, 28-39.

Alkhatnai, Mubarak (2010). The Effect of TV Captions on the Comprehension of Non-Native Saudi Learners of English. In: ICT for Language Learning Conference 2010. Proceedings; reprinted 2012 in: Sino-US English Teaching 9.10, 1573-1579.

Bravo, Conceição (2010). Text on screen and text on air. A useful tool for foreign language teachers and learners. In: Díaz Cintas, Jorge & Matamala, Anna & Neves, Josélia (eds.), New Insights into Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Media for All 2. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 269-283.

Harji, Madhubala Bava & Woods, Peter Charles & Alavi, Zhinoos Kamal (2010). The Effect Of Viewing Subtitled Videos On Vocabulary Learning. Journal of College Teaching & Learning 7.9, 37-42.

Hayati, Majid A. & Mohmedi, Firooz (2010). The Effect of Films With and Without Subtitles on Listening Comprehension of EFL Intermediate Students. International Journal of Instructional Media 37.3, 301-313.

Hsu, Ching-Kun & Chang, Chih-Kai (2010). Effects of Automatic Hidden Caption Classification on a Content-based Computer-Assisted Language Learning System for Foreign Language Listening. In: Wong, S. L. & Kong, S. C. & Yu, F. Y. (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. Putrajaya: APSCE, 236-243.

Hwang, Yanling & Huang, Pei-Wen (2010). The Effects of Video Captioning on L2 Learners' Listening Comprehension. Journal of National Huwei University of Science and Technology 29.2, 95-107.

Kent, Heidi B. (2010). The Efficacy of Enhanced Subtitles plus Explicit Grammatical Instruction on the Acquisition of L2 Grammatical Structures. In: Cooper, Angela et al. (eds.), Simon Fraser University Working Papers. Vol. 3. Proceedings of the 26th Northwest Linguistics Conference. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University.

Markham, Paul L. & Willis, Sheree & Hsu, Connie (2010). Chinese Captions and Foreign Language (Mandarin) Comprehension. Issues in Information Systems 11.2, 219-224.

Selim, Aysha Abdel-Moneim (2010). The Effect of Using Same Language Subtitling (SLS) in Content Comprehension and Vocabulary Acquisition in Arabic as a Foreign Language (AFL). Master's Thesis: American University in Cairo.

Sydorenko, Tetyana (2010). Modality of Input and Vocabulary Acquisition. Language Learning & Technology 14.2, 50-73.

Tsai, Feng-Hung (Will) (2010). Integrating Feature Films with Subtitles to Enhance the Listening Comprehension of Students Attending College in Taiwan. Ed.D. Thesis: Alliant International University.

Winke, Paula & Gass, Susan & Sydorenko, Tetyana (2010). The Effects of Captioning Videos Used for Foreign Language Listening Activities. Language Learning & Technology 14.1, 66-87.

Wong, Po Shan (2010). The effectiveness of learning vocabulary through English news subtitles. A case study with Hong Kong ESL learners. MA Thesis: University of Hong Kong.

Yang, Jie Chi & Chang, Chia Ling & Lin, Yi Lung & Shih, Mei Jen Audrey (2010). A Study of the POS Keyword Caption Effect on Listening Comprehension. In: Wong, S. L. & Kong, S. C. & Yu, F. Y. (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. Putrajaya: APSCE, 708-712.

Chen, Hao-Jan Howard (2011). Developing and evaluating SynctoLearn, a fully automatic video and transcript synchronization tool for EFL learners. Computer Assisted Language Learning 24.2, 117-130.

Ghorbani, Mohammad Reza (2011). Watching Cartoons With Subtitles Improves Children's Foreign Language Acquisition. US-China Foreign Language 9.4, 241-246.

Hayati, Abdolmajid & Mohmedi, Firooz (2011). The effect of films with and without subtitles on listening comprehension of EFL learners. British Journal of Educational Technology 42.1, 181-192.

Hwang, Yanling & Huang, Peiwen (2011). Using Subtitles to Enliven Reading. English Language and Literature Studies 1.1, 2-6.

Latifi, Mehdi & Mobalegh, Ali & Mohammadi, Elham (2011). Movie Subtitles and the Improvement of Listening Comprehension Ability. Does it help? Journal of Language Teaching and Learning 1.2, 18-29.

Lavaur, Jean-Marc & Bairstow, Dominique (2011). Languages on the screen. Is film comprehension related to the viewers' fluency level and to the language in the subtitles? International Journal of Psychology 46.6, 455-462.

Nagira, Yuri (2011). Vocabulary Learning through Captions. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research 26, 95-99.

Roohani, Ali & Rabiei, Somayeh (2011). Effect of Watching Movies with Bimodal, Standard and No-Subtitles on Incidental Learning of Formal and Informal Vocabulary. Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics 2.2, 100-118.

Rooney, Kevin M. (2011). Impact of Keyword Caption Ratio, Language Proficiency, and Attitude on Foreign Language Listening Comprehension. Ph.D. Thesis: Capella University.

Tsai, Shiao-Ling (2011). The Effects of Viewing Subtitles of English Cartoon Videos on Taiwanese Fifth Graders' English Listening Comprehension. Master's Thesis: Chaoyang University of Technology.

Zarei, Abbas Ali & Rashvand, Zohreh (2011). The Effect of Interlingual and Intralingual, Verbatim and Nonverbatim Subtitles on L2 Vocabulary Comprehension and Production. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2.3, 618-625.

Zarei, Abbasali & Saddeghi, Mahsa (2011). The effects of synchronous and asynchronous interlingual and intralingual transcript presentation on L2 vocabulary comprehension and production. Teaching English Language (Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran) 5.1, 101-123.

Ahangari, Saeideh & Amini, Shima Mohammad (2012). The Impact of Films with and without Subtitles on Iranian EFL Learners' Mastery of Lexical Phrases. American Journal of Scientific Research 69, 68-80.

Alipour, Mohammad & Gorjian, Bahman & Kouravand, Lida Gholampour (2012). The effects of pedagogical and authentic films on EFL learners' vocabulary learning. The role of subtitles. Advances in Asian Social Science 3.4, 734-738.

Bairstow, Dominique (2012). Rôle des sous-titres dans la compréhension et la mémorisation de films. Thèse de doctorat: Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III.

Bairstow, Dominique & Lavaur, Jean-Marc (2012). Audiovisual Information Processing by Monolinguals and Bilinguals. Effects of Intralingual and Interlingual Subtitles. In: Remael, Aline & Orero, Pilar & Carroll, Mary (eds.), Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility at the Crossroads. Media for All 3. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 273-293.

Chen, Mei-Ling (2012). Effects of the Order of Reading Text or Viewing a Film and L1/L2 Captions on Reading Comprehension. Perceptual & Motor Skills 115.1, 18-26.

Chiu, Ti-Kai & Hsieh, Tung-Cheng & Lee, Ming-Che & Chang, Jia-Wei & Wang, Tzone-I (2012). Using Controllable Partial Subtitles and Interactive Features in Educational Videos. International Journal of Information and Education Technology 2.4, 364-366.

Etemadi, Aida (2012). Effects of Bimodal Subtitling of English Movies on Content Comprehension and Vocabulary Recognition. International Journal of English Linguistics 2.1, 239-248.

Ghasemboland, Farimah & Nafissi, Zohreh (2012). The Effects of Using English Captions on Iranian EFL Students' Listening Comprehension. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64, 105-112.

Ho, Chao-Hsiang (2012). Taiwan EFL Learners' Attitudes toward Films with English Subtitle in Language Learning. A Case Study of University Freshmen. Master's Thesis: Tamkang University, New Taipei City.

Hu, Yongjin (2012). An Empirical Research Testing the Effects of Multimodality on English Listening Teaching. In: IEEE (ed.), 2012 First National Conference for Engineering Sciences (FNCES 2012). New York: IEEE, 1449-1451.

Karakas, Ali & Sariçoban, Arif (2012). The Impact of Watching Subtitled Animated Cartoons on Incidental Vocabulary Learning of ELT Students. Teaching English with Technology 12.4, 3-15. (See also Bogdanov 2013!)

Lacroix, Fanny (2012). The impact of same-language subtitling on student comprehension in an English as an Additional Language (EAL) context. MA Thesis: North-West University, Potchefstroom.

Leveridge, Aubrey Neil & Yang, Jie Chi (2012). Affective States Arising from the Removal of Captioning Support in EFL Multimedia Environments. In: Biswas, Gautam & Wong, Lung-Hsiang & Hirashima, Tsukasa & Chen, Wenli (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012. Singapore: APSCE/National Institute of Education, 628-632.

Li, Chen-Hong (2012). Are They Listening Better? Supporting EFL College Students' DVD Video Comprehension With Advance Organizers In A Multimedia English Course. Journal of College Teaching & Learning 9.4, 277-288.

Li, Mingyue (2012). L1, L2 and L1+L2 subtitles in videos in L2 classroom settings. An investigation of teachers' and students' attitudes towards the use of L1, L2 and L1+L2 subtitles in the L2 classroom. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Liang, Eleen (2012). Using English Animated Cartoons on English Learning. Master's Thesis: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan City.

Lwo, Laurence & Lin, Michelle Chia-Tzu (2012). The effects of captions in teenagers' multimedia L2 learning. ReCALL 24.2, 188-208.

Pak, Hubert H. (2012). The Effect of Films with and without Subtitles on Vocabulary Acquisition Scores of Foreign Language Learners. Using a Korean Sit-com, Unhindered High-Kick. STEM Journal 13.3, 17-31.

Peng, Li-Wei (2012). The Impacts of DVD Films on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. MA Thesis: Ming Chuan University, Taipei.

Raine, Paul (2012). Incidental learning of vocabulary through subtitled authentic videos. MA Thesis: University of Birmingham.

Seo, Jiyoung & Lee, Donghan (2012). The role of language play in awareness-raising tasks. Using captions from Desperate Housewives. STEM Journal 13.1, 57-80. (In Korean with English abstract)

Taghavi, Mehdi & Sabet, Masoud Khalili & Zafarghandi, Amir Mahdavi (2012). The Effect of Captioned Brief News on Iranian Secondary Students' Vocabulary Learning. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3.11.

Wang, Yu-Chia (2012). Learning L2 Vocabulary with American TV Drama. From the Learner's Perspective. English Language Teaching 5.8, 217-225.

Yang, Wen-Ting (2012). Application of the Task-Based Approach in English Listening Class by Watching Films for EFL Elementary School Learners. Master's Thesis: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan City.

Yekta, Razieh Rabbani & Ketabi, Saeed & Tavakoli, Mansoor (2012). Change of the state representation of words in viewing instantaneous speech texts. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 22.1, 88-104.

Yoon, Sangdon & Ahn, Deokgyu (2012). The effect of film with or without subtitles on learners' vocabulary enhancement in Korea. Using subtitles from Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and The Lion King. STEM Journal 13.3, 73-87. (In Korean with English abstract)

Ahn, Miri (2013). The Impact of Subtitled Online Video Clips on Incidental Vocabulary Learning. STEM Journal 14.2, 135-151.

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Aurstad, Lisa Maria Grønn (2013). The Role of Subtitles in Second Language Acquisition. An experimental study in the context of the Norwegian school system. Master's Thesis: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.

Basaran, Hülya Felek & Köse, Gül Durmusoglu (2013). The effects of captioning on EFL learners' listening comprehension. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 70, 702-708.

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Bogdanov, Stan (2013). One-Time Treatment for Incidental Vocabulary Learning. Call for Discontinuation. A commentary on Ali Karakas and Arif Sariçoban's 'The impact of watching subtitled animated cartoons on incidental vocabulary learning of ELT students'. Teaching English with Technology 13.2, 75-82.

Dong, Jian-qiao & Zhou, Ya-jing & Liu, Gui-ru (2013). Perceptual Load and Selective Attention in Multimedia English Videos Watching. The Effect of Keyword Captions on Video Comprehension. Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education 153, 57-64. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Dooley, Morgan William (2013). How Movie Subtitles Influence EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. Journal of Applied English 6, 51-66.

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Hsu, Ching-Kun & Hwang, Gwo-Jen & Chang, Yu-Tzu & Chang, Chih-Kai (2013). Effects of Video Caption Modes on English Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Acquisition Using Handheld Devices. Educational Technology & Society 16.1, 403-414.

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Kovacs, Geza (2013). Smart Subtitles for Language Learning. In: Mackay, Wendy E. (ed.), CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, 2719-2724.

Kruger, Jan-Louis (2013). Subtitles in the classroom: balancing the benefits of dual coding with the cost of increased cognitive load. Journal for Language Teaching - Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig 47.1, 29-53.

Kruger, Jan-Louis & Hefer, Esté & Matthew, Gordon (2013). Measuring the Impact of Subtitles on Cognitive Load. Eye Tracking and Dynamic Audiovisual Texts. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Eye Tracking South Africa. New York: ACM, 62-66.

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Matielo, Rafael & Collet, Thaís & D'Ely, Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz (2013). The effects of interlingual and intralingual subtitles on vocabulary learning by Brazilian EFL learners. An exploratory study. Revista Intercâmbio 27, 83-99.

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Sharif, Masoud Raee & Ebrahimian, Maryam (2013). A Comparative Study of 'Subtitled' vs. 'Auditory' Documentaries Comprehension among Persian Speakers of English. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2.2, 185-192.

Soleimani, Hassan & Vafaee, Sedigheh (2013). The Effect of Synchronous and Asynchronous Script Presentation on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Research 2.6, 616-622.

Vaezi, Mohammed Nasser & Sarkeshikian, Seyyed Amir Hossein & Shah-Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza (2013). The Impact of Pre-Modified Input on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. Iranian EFL Journal 9.3, 222-232.

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Winke, Paula & Gass, Susan & Sydorenko, Tetyana (2013). Factors Influencing the Use of Captions by Foreign Language Learners. An Eye-Tracking Study. Modern Language Journal 97.1, 254-275.

Yang, Ya-Fei & Chao, Ching-Ju & Lin, Yu-Ling & Chang, Chih-Kai (2013). Usability Testing of Japanese Captions Segmentation System to Scaffold Beginners to Comprehend Japanese Videos. International Journal of Cyber Society and Education 6.1, 1-14.

Yang, Pinghua (2013). The Effects of Different Subtitling Modes on Chinese EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. MA Thesis: China University of Geosciences, Beijing.

Zarei, Abbas Ali & Gilanian, Mahboubeh (2013). The effect of multimedia modes on L2 vocabulary learning. International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences 2, Special Issue 2, 1011-1020.

Zarei, Abbas Ali & Rahmany, Ramin & Gilanian, Mahboubeh (2013). Multimedia Input Modality. Affecting L2 Vocabulary Learning. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Abdollapur, Zeinab (2014). Listening Skill Development through Integrating Subtitles with Schemata Activation. International Journal of Language Learning And Applied Linguistics World 6.1, 253-267.

Abdolmanafi Rokni, Seyed Jalal & Ataee, Azam Jannati (2014). The Effect of Movie Subtitles on EFL Learners' Oral Performance. International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities 1.5, 201-215.

Abdolmanafi Rokni, Seyed Jalal & Ataee, Azam Jannati (2014). Movies in EFL Classrooms: With Or Without Subtitles. The Dawn Journal 3.1, 715-726.

Al-Motairy, Elham M. & Shoaib, Amel (2014). The Impact of Film on Teaching Vocabulary in Saudi EFL Classrooms. In: Dept. of Academic Cooperation, Ministry of Labour (Saudi Arabia): Statistical Yearbook 1435-1434.

Aloqaili, Ghadah Saleh (2014). Learning Vocabulary from Subtitled Videos. An investigation into the effectiveness of using subtitled videos for intentional vocabulary learning in Saudi Arabia with an exploration of learners' perspective. MA Thesis: University of Southampton.

Bagheri, Somayeh & Ghoorchaei, Behrooz (2014). The Effect of Watching Subtitled and Non-Subtitled English Videos on Iranian EFL Learners' Idiom Comprehension. In: Turkish Journal of Scientific Research 1.2, 33-39.

Barekat, Behzad & Farrokhian, Parisa (2014). The Effect of Documentary Subtitles on Listening Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners at Intermediate Level. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods 4.3, 54-63.

BavaHarji, Madhubala & Alavi, Zhinoos Kamal & Letchumanan, Krishnaveni (2014). Captioned Instructional Video. Effects on Content Comprehension,Vocabulary Acquisition and Language Proficiency. English Language Teaching 7.2, 1-16.

Bisson, Marie-Josée & van Heuven, Walter J. B. & Conklin, Kathy & Tunney, Richard J. (2014). Processing of native and foreign language subtitles in films. An eye tracking study. Applied Psycholinguistics 35.2, 399-418. (First published online in 2012)

Bos, Monique (2014). The Efficacy of Subtitles. Three Different Subtitling Conditions to Enhance FL Vocabulary Knowledge. MA Thesis: University of Groningen.

Budiana Putra, I Putu (2014). Learning Vocabulary Using English Movie with Subtitles in SMAK Santo Yoseph. Humanis 22.1.

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Hassanabadi, Firoozeh Mohammadi & Heidari, Mahsa (2014). The Effect of Intersemiotic Translation on Vocabulary Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 98, 1165-1173.

Hoogendyk, Fika Widya Christy & Arifin, Zainal & Novita, Dewi (2014). Increasing Students' Vocabulary by Using Bimodal Subtitling in Short Movie. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (Universitas Tanjungpura) 3.11, 1-14.

Hsu, Ching-Kun & Hwang, Gwo-Jen & Chang, Chih-Kai (2014). An Automatic Caption Filtering and Partial Hiding Approach to Improving the English Listening Comprehension of EFL Students. Educational Technology & Society 17. 2, 270-283.

Hsu, Wenhua (2014). The effects of audiovisual support on EFL learners' productive vocabulary. ReCALL 26.1, 62-79.

Hu, Yu-Ting (2014). Effects of Video Caption and Subtitle on EFL Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students. Master's Thesis: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei.

Khabibulloh, Ahmad (2014). The Effectiveness of English Movies' Subtitle to Improve Students' Writing Skill at SMP Wachid Hasyim 7 Surabaya. Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis: Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya.

Kovacs, Geza & Miller, Robert C. (2014). Smart Subtitles for Vocabulary Learning. In: Jones, Matt & Palanque, Philippe & Schmidt, Albrecht & Grossman, Tovi (eds.), CHI '14. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, 853-862.

Kruger, Jan-Louis & Hefer, Esté & Matthew, Gordon (2014). Attention distribution and cognitive load in a subtitled academic lecture. L1 vs. L2. Journal of Eye Movement Research 7.5:4, 1-15.

Kruger, Jan-Louis & Steyn, Faans (2014). Subtitles and Eye Tracking: Reading and Performance. Reading Research Quarterly 49.1, 105-120.

Lee, Karam (Gloria) (2014). A Study of the Effect of English Closed Captions on the Spelling Skill of Korean Elementary School Students. Issues in EFL 10.1, 115.

Lees, David (2014). To What Extent Can 'Karaoke'-style Subtitles on Digital Video Help Learners of English as a Foreign Language? Kwansei Gakuin University Center for Language Education Research Annual Report 17, 57-73.

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Mohajer, Shima Shirinbeik & Pourgharib, Behzad (2014). The Effect of Captioned Videos on Advanced EFL Learners' Proficiency in Iran. International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Research 3.12, 951-957.

Montero Perez, Maribel & Peters, Elke & Clarebout, Geraldine & Desmet, Piet (2014). Effects of Captioning on Video Comprehension and Incidental Vocabulary Learning. Language Learning & Technology 18.1, 118-141.

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Nigoevic, Magdalena & Pejic, Koraljka & Pejic, Trisnja (2014). Using Film Subtitles in FLT in Croatia. In: Akbarov, Azamat (ed.), Linguistics, Culture and Identity in Foreign Language Education. Sarajevo: International Burch University, 1151-1156.

Nishiyama, China (2014). Effects of Korean Film Captions on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition by Korean Language Learners. Master's Thesis: Ewha Womans University, Seoul. (In Korean with English abstract)

Rolph, Deborah (2014). We didn't get nuffin': subtitled film as a tool in the teaching of markers of orality. Ph.D. Thesis: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Rooney, Kevin (2014). The Impact of Keyword Caption Ratio on Foreign Language Listening Comprehension. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 5.2, 11-28.

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Dong, Jiangqiao & Zhou, Yajing & Liu, Guiru (2015). The Effect of Caption Modes on EFL Students' Video Comprehension. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 6.2, 397-404.

Frumuselu, Anca Daniela (2015). Subtitled Television Series inside the EFL Classroom: Long-Term Effects upon Colloquial Language Learning and Oral Production. Doctoral Thesis: Universitat Rovira i Virgili/Universiteit Antwerpen.

Frumuselu, Anca Daniela & De Maeyer, Sven & Donche, Vincent & del Mar Gutiérrez Colon Plana, María (2015). Television series inside the EFL classroom: Bridging the gap between teaching and learning informal language through subtitles. Linguistics and Education 32, 107-117.

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Hsu, Ching-Kun (2015). Learning motivation and adaptive video caption filtering for EFL learners using handheld devices. ReCALL 27.1, 84-103.

Ishimaki, Kensaku & Saunders, Thomas C. (2015). Devising an Effective Methodology for Measuring the Benefit of L2 Subtitled Extensive Watching on Learner Motivation, Autonomy and Skill Development. The Center for ELF Journal 1.1, 61-81.

Jahanyfard, Asieh (2015). The Effects of Captioned Video on Learning English Idiomatic Expressions among ESL Learners in the Advance Level. MA Thesis: University of Toledo.

Lautenbacher, Olli Philippe (2015). Reading Cohesive Structures in Subtitled Films. A Pilot Study. In: Perego, Elisa & Bruti, Silvia (eds.), Subtitling Today. Shapes and Their Meanings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 33-56.

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Mariotti, Cristina (2015). A Survey on Stakeholders' Perceptions of Subtitles as a Means to Promote Foreign Language Learning. In: Gambier, Yves & Caimi, Annamaria & Mariotti, Cristina (eds.), Subtitles and Language Learning. Principles, strategies and practical experiences. Bern: Peter Lang, 83-105.

Matamala, Anna & Oliver, Andreu & Álvarez, Aitor & Azpeitia, Andoni (2015). The Reception of Intralingual and Interlingual Automatic Subtitling. An Exploratory Study within the HBB4ALL Project. In: Esteves-Ferreira, João & Macan, Juliet & Mitkov, Ruslan & Stefanov, Olaf-Michael (eds.), Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 37 Conference (TC37). Geneva: Editions Tradulex, 12-17.

Montero Perez, Maribel & Peters, Elke & Desmet, Piet (2015). Enhancing Vocabulary Learning through Captioned Video. An Eye-Tracking Study. Modern Language Journal 99.2, 308-328.

Mulyadi, Dodi & Mutmainnah, Yulia (2015). Using English Movie Akeelah and the Bee with English Subtitle to Improve Students' Listening Ability. Lensa 5.1, 16-24.

Naghizadeh, Mohammad & Darabi, Tayebeh (2015). The Impact of Bimodal, Persian and No-subtitle Movies on Iranian EFL Learners' L2 Vocabulary Learning. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research 2.2, 66-79.

Ntowa, Tchuingoua Rachelle Nely & Ayonghe, Lum Suzanne (2015). Audiovisual translation as a tool for teaching English Language to French-speaking students in Cameroon. Journal of African Studies and Development 7.8, 200-206.

Pak, Hubert H. (2015). Cultural and Situational Influences on Learner/Teacher Beliefs. Effects of Subtitles Using CSI:Miami. STEM Journal 16.4, 123-140.

Palaska, Athanasia (2015). The efficiency of subtitles in Second Language Acquisition. MA Thesis: University of Groningen.

Pasban, Mohsen Ali & Forghani, Mahshid & Nouri, Ahmad (2015). The Effects of Using English Captions on Iranian Intermediate EFL Students' Learning of Phrasal Verbs. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 6.2, 373-382.

Rahayu, Kristin (2015). Enhancing EFL College Students Listening Comprehension by Captioning. ETERNAL English Teaching Journal (Universitas PGRI Semarang) 6.1, 58-63.

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So, Suk & Lee, Je-Young & Hwang, Chee-Bok (2018). Effects of Caption-Utilized English Classes on Primary School Students' Character Recognition and Vocabulary Ability. Journal of the Korea Contents Association 18.7, 423-431. (In Korean with English abstract)

Topkaraoglu, Mert & Nisanci, Sinan (2018). The Role of Subtitles in EFL Learners' Bottom-Up Processing Skills in Listening. International Journal of Language Academy 24 (6.3), 347-361.

Toscano-Fuentes, Carmen María & Julián de Vega, Concha (2018). Vídeos musicales en el aula de inglés de primaria para la mejora de la fluidez lectora. Tejuelo 28, 43-66.

Wilhelm, Mirte (2018). Subtitles and vocabulary acquisition. The effect of type of subtitles and proficiency on vocabulary acquisition. MA Thesis: University of Groningen.

Wisniewska, Natalia & Mora, Joan C. (2018). Pronunciation Learning through Captioned Videos. In: Levis, John (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference. Ames: Iowa State University, 204-215.

Yang, Jimijin (2018). Use of L1 and L2 Subtitles for Incidental Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language. Focusing on Word Frequency. STEM Journal 19.3, 127-147.

Yeldham, Michael (2018). Viewing L2 captioned videos: what's in it for the listener? Computer Assisted Language Learning 31.4, 367-389.

Yoon, Sangdon (2018). Learners' prior learning experience of subtitles and its effect on reading competence and listening competence. Using subtitles for The Newsroom Season 1. STEM Journal 19.3, 65-82. (In Korean with English abstract)

Acaro Jiménez, Lorena Mishel (2019). The effects of watching videos with and without English subtitles as a supplementary material to foster the writing productive skill of EFL in a high school. A comparative study. Trabajo de titulación: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.

Alexiou, Thomai & Yfouli, Despoina (2019). Charlie & Lola: An innovative way of promoting young learners' EFL lexical development. In: Tsichouridis, Charilaos et al. (eds.), 4o Diethnes Synedrio Gia Tin Proothisi Tis Ekpaideutikis Kainotomias (4th International Conference on the Promotion of Educational Innovation). Larisa, October 12th-14th 2018. Proceedings. Vol. A. Larisa: University of Thessaly, 325-331.

Alshumrani, Hassan (2019). L2 Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Retention through Different Modalities of Audio-visual Input. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Southampton.

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Andi, Seyed Taghi & Darvishi, Sanaz (2019). A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Persian vs. English Subtitled Movies on Listening Comprehension Ability among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners. Journal of Teaching English Language Studies 7.3, 43-61.

Angerbauer, Katrin & Adel, Heike & Vu, Ngoc Thang (2019). Automatic Compression of Subtitles with Neural Networks and its Effect on User Experience. In: INTERSPEECH 2019. Proceedings. Baixas: ISCA, 594-598.

Azizi, Syazwani & Aziz, Azlina Abdul (2019). The Effect of Intralingual Caption on Students' Vocabulary Learning. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society 1.3, 12-22.

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Bataineh, Ruba Fahmi & Al-refa'i, Adel Mohammad (2019). The potential of TED talks for developing prospective United Nations police monitors' listening performance. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 43.3, 141-153.

Chan, Wing Shan & Kruger, Jan-Louis & Doherty, Stephen (2019). Comparing the impact of automatically generated and corrected subtitles on cognitive load and learning in a first- and second-language educational context. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series - Themes in Translation Studies 18 (2019), 237-272.

Chen, Ming-Puu & Wang, Li-Chun & Zou, Di & Lin, Shu-Yuan & Xie, Haoran (2019). Effects of caption and gender on junior high students' EFL learning from iMap-enhanced contextualized learning. Computers & Education 140, article 103602.

Chmielewska-Molik, Kamila (2019). Fremdsprachenlernen mit Fernsehserien. Subjektive Lernertheorien. Doctoral Thesis: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznan.

Cintrón Valentín, Myrna C. (2019). The Effects of Form Focused Instruction and Captioning on Second Language Development. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Michigan.

Cintrón-Valentín, Myrna & García-Amaya, Lorenzo & Ellis, Nick C. (2019). Captioning and grammar learning in the L2 Spanisch classroom. Language Learning Journal 47.4, 439-459.

Cokely, Melissa & Muñoz, Carmen (2019). Captioned Video, Vocabulary and Visual Prompts. An Exploratory Study. In: Herrero, Carmen & Vanderschelden, Isabelle (eds.), Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom. Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 61-75.

Das, Nigamananda & Vashisth, Shivani (2019). The Influence of L2 Vocabulary Learning on Digital Formats. Juni Khyat 9.9, 42-47.

Durbahn, Marion (2019). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from documentary viewing. A study on the role of captions. Árboles y Rizomas 1.1, 75-96.

Dzuganová, Bozena (2019). Teaching Medical English through Professional Captioning Videos. Journal of Language and Cultural Education 7.2, 95-107.

Fang, Fang & Zhang, Yuqing & Fang, Yuan (2019). A Comparative Study of the Effect of Bilingual Subtitles and English Subtitles on College English Teaching. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala 66, 59-74.

Fernández Silva, Paula (2019). Foreign Language Learning. The Role of Interlingual and Intralingual Subtitles. BA Thesis: Universitat de Barcelona.

Fiaz, Iram (2019). Impact of Subtitles on the Listening Skills of English Language Learners. MPhil Thesis: Islamia University of Bahawalpur.

Frumuselu, Anca Daniela (2019). 'A Friend in Need Is a Film Indeed'. Teaching Colloquial Expressions with Subtitled Television Series. In: Herrero, Carmen & Vanderschelden, Isabelle (eds.), Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom. Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 92-107.

Furaidah, Asni & Ngadiso & Asrori, Muh. (2019). Watching Video with English Subtitle As an Alternative to Improve Reading Skill. English Education Journal (Universitas Sebelas Maret) 7.2, 257-263.

Gass, Susan & Winke, Paula & Isbell, Daniel R. & Ahn, Jieun (2019). How captions help people learn languages. A working-memory, eye-tracking study. Language Learning & Technology 23.2, 84-104.

Gesa Vidal, Ferran (2019). L1/L2 Subtitled TV Series and EFL Learning. A Study on Vocabulary Acquisition and Content Comprehension at Different Proficiency Levels. Doctoral Dissertation: Universitat de Barcelona.

Hariffin, Azman & Said, Nur Ehsan Mohd (2019). The Effects of Captioned Videos on Primary ESL Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition in a Malaysian Rural Setting. In: 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Education and Society (ICHES 2019). Proceedings. Kota Bharu: Edusage Network, 494-502; reprinted 2019 in: International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy, and Language 2.7, 23-71.

He, Long (2019). How Do Different Keyword Captioning Strategies Impact on Students' Performance in Oral and Written Production Tasks? A Pilot Study. EUROCALL Review 27.1, 14-23.

Hwang, Gwo-Jen & Hsu, Ting-Chia & Hsieh, Yi-Hsuan (2019). Impacts of Different Smartphone Caption/Subtitle Mechanisms on English Listening Performance and Perceptions of Students with Different Learning Styles. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 35.4/5, 333-344.

Jaber, Reem Ali & Kesli Dollar, Yesim (2019). A meta-analysis of the effect of bimodal subtitling on vocabulary learning among adult EFL learners. Focus on ELT Journal 1.1, 43-52.

Kang, Eunyoung (2019). Enhancing Korean EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning and Listening Comprehension Through Video Captions. STEM Journal 20.2, 91-108.

Karlsson, Monica (2019). Idiomatic Mastery in a First and Second Language. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. (Especially chapter 3: Do Multimodal and Visualization Techniques Enhance Students' Comprehension and Retention of L2 Idioms?)

Kim, Na-Young (2019). Captions and Subtitles: Effects of Different Modes of Text Aids on EFL Learners' Vocabulary Development and Reading Comprehension. New Korean Journal of English Language and Literature 61.3, 155-178.

Kim, Na-Young (2019). Effects of Captioning Order on EFL Listening and Reading. Should Captions Be First or Second? English Language & Literature Teaching 25.4, 1-22.

Kim, Na-Young (2019). L1 First or L2 First? Effects of Different Subtitling Order on Listening and Speaking Skills. English Language Teaching (Pan-Korea English Teachers Association) 31.4, 95-114.

Kim, Na-Young (2019). Native Language or Target Language? Effects of Different Types of Subtitles on Productive Skills. Studies in English Education 24.3, 337-363.

Kim, Na-Young (2019). A Study on the Differential Effects of Subtitling Modes - Interlingual, Intralingual, and Bilingual Subtitling - on Video Comprehension. STEM Journal 20.3, 1-23.

Lautenbacher, Olli Philippe (2019). Sous-titrage et acquisition de L2: quand l'audiovisuel se fait scriptovisuel. In: Ogea Pozo, María del Mar & Rodríguez Rodríguez, Francisco (eds.), Insights into audiovisual and comic translation. Changing perspectives on films, comics and videogames. Córdoba: UCOPress, 141-161.

Liu, Yinan (2019). Multimedia Input Modes, the Modality Principle, and the Redundancy Principle for University ESL Students' Learning. Ph.D. Thesis: Syracuse University.

Matthew, G. D. (2019). Measuring the cognitive load induced by subtitled audiovisual texts in an educational context. Ph.D. Thesis: North-West University, Vanderbijlpark.

Montero Perez, Maribel (2019). Pre-learning vocabulary before viewing captioned video: an eye-tracking study. Language Learning Journal 47.4, 460-478.

Mora, Joan C. & Cerviño-Povedano, Eva (2019). The Effects of Bimodal L2 Input on the Processing of Function Words by Spanish EFL Learners. An Eye-Tracking Study. In: Herrero, Carmen & Vanderschelden, Isabelle (eds.), Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom. Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 76-91.

Okar, Nazita & Shahidy, Seyed Hamidreza (2019). Using Pictures of Movie Conversations with Input Enhancement in Subtitles for Developing Speaking of Iranian EFL Intermediate Learners. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies 7.3, 93-104.

Pavesi, Maria & Perego, Elisa & Ghia, Elisa & Coletto, Valentina (2019). Assessing Subtitling in a Dubbing Country. An Empirical Investigation on Learner-Viewers. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 48.1, 5-26.

Peters, Elke (2019). The Effect of Imagery and On-Screen Text on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning from Audiovisual Input. TESOL Quarterly 53.4, 1008-1032.

Pujadas Jorba, Geòrgia (2019). Language Learning through Extensive TV Viewing. A study with adolescent EFL learners. Doctoral Dissertation: Universitat de Barcelona.

Pujadas, Geòrgia & Muñoz, Carmen (2019). Extensive viewing of captioned and subtitled TV series. A study of L2 vocabulary learning by adolescents. Language Learning Journal 47.4, 479-496.

Qasim, Asil & Yahiaoui, Rashid (2019). The Role of Subtitling and Dubbing in Arabic Vocabulary Acquisition. A Contrastive Study. Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 3.1, 74-86.

Ramsin, Araya & Mayall, Hayley (2019). Examining the Effects of Different Multimedia Learning Environments on the Learning Outcomes of Second Language Learners. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 28.3, 307-330.

Sarem, Saeid Najafi & Marashi, Hamid (2019). The Effect of Input Modality and Sensory Mode on L2 Listening Fatigue. A Case of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners. Journal of Modern Research in English Language Studies 6.3, 57-82.

Sinyashina, Ekaterina (2019). The Effect of Repetition on Incidental Legal Vocabulary Learning through Long-Term Exposure to Authentic Videos. ESP Today 7.1, 44-67.

Sit, Helena Hing-wa & Guo, Sijia (2019). An Exploration of Design Principles to Enhance Students' L2 Acquisition in a Flipped Class. In: Tso, Anna Wing-bo (ed.), Digital Humanities and New Ways of Teaching. Singapore: Springer Nature, 111-131.

Suárez, Maria del Mar & Gesa, Ferran (2019). Learning vocabulary with the support of sustained exposure to captioned video. Do proficiency and aptitude make a difference? Language Learning Journal 47.4, 497-517.

Tajgozari, Mostafa (2019). The effect of watching captioned TV series on speaking accuracy of Iranian advanced EFL learners. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 9.3, 157-166.

Teng, (Mark) Feng (2019). The effects of video caption types and advance organizers on incidental L2 collocation learning. Computers & Education 142, article 103655.

Teng, Feng (2019). Incidental vocabulary learning for primary school students. The effects of L2 caption type and word exposure frequency. The Australian Educational Researcher 46.1, 113-136.

Teng, Feng (2019). Maximizing the potential of captions for primary school ESL students' comprehension of English-language videos. Computer Assisted Language Learning 32.7, 665-691.

Tragant Mestres, Elsa & Pellicer-Sánchez, Ana (2019). Young EFL learners' processing of multimodal input. Examining learners' eye movements. System 80, 212-223.

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Ulviana, Isma & Ashari, Ali & Rahmati, Nuse Aliyah (2019). The Effect of Full Video Captioning on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran (Universitas Islam Malang) 14.11.

Vanderplank, Robert (2019). 'Gist watching can only take you so far': attitudes, strategies and changes in behaviour in watching films with captions. Language Learning Journal 47.4, 407-423.

Wang, Yangting (Tina) (2019). Effects of L1/L2 Captioned TV Programs on Students' Vocabulary Learning and Comprehension. CALICO Journal 36.3, 204-224.

Yürük, Nurcihan (2019). Dual Coding Theory and Subtitles. Encoding Strategy in Vocabulary Learning. Ines Journal - Journal of International Education Science 6.20, 38-50.

Alharthi, Thamer (2020). Can Adults Learn Vocabulary through Watching Subtitled Movies? An Experimental Corpus-Based Approach. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies 9.3, 219-230.

Ambele, Eric A. & Abam, Fedelis T. (2020). Enhancing Pronunciation Learning through Intralingual Movie Subtitling in a Thai University Context. Rangsit Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 7.2, 60-69.

Anh, Vo Thi Xuan & Hoai, Pham Thi (2020). Teaching Vocabulary for Non-English Major Freshmen through English Subtitled Videos at Van Lang University. Công Thu'o'ng (Vietnam Trade and Industry Review) 29/30 (December), 271-278.

Arabiana, Elaiza Flor S. & Malifer, Dayvin Adrian Ember A. & Betonio, Helen R. (2020). Video Cartoons and Task-Induced Involvement. Effects to Pupils' L2 Incidental Literacy Acquisition. English Language Teaching Educational Journal 3.2, 151-162.

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Barabas, Cris Delatado (2020). Intentionality and Vocabulary Acquisition in an EFL Context. The Use of Theme-based Subtitled Video Clips. MA Thesis: University College London.

Baranowska, Karolina (2020). Learning most with least effort: subtitles and cognitive load. ELT Journal 74.2, 105-115.

Choi, Sungmook (2020). Captions, input enhancement, and collocation acquisition. Secondary English Education 13.4, 3-20. (In Korean with English abstract)

Corpuz, Leah Joyce R. (2020). Anime with English Subtitles. Tool in Expanding Second Language Learners' Vocabulary and Syntactic Complexity. International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning 7.5, 1-13.

Dumlao, Kenneth Christopher S. & Alfonso, Ruth C. & Paguirigan, Elgin S. & Subia, Gener S. (2020). The Efficacy of Bimodal Subtitling in Improving the Listening Comprehension of English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 5.6, 2196-2201.

Fievez, Isabeau & Montero Perez, Maribel & Cornillie, Frederik & Desmet, Piet (2020). Vocabulary Learning Through Viewing Captioned or Subtitled Videos and the Role of Learner- and Word-Related Factors. CALICO Journal 37.3, 233-253.

Gouleti, Aikaterini & Dimitriadis, Giorgos & Kokonis, Michalis (2020). Exploring the Educational Potentials of Language Learning with Netflix Tool. An Eye-Tracking Study. Ex-centric Narratives. Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media 4, 113-136.

Guo, Sijia & Sit, Helena & Chen, Shen (2020). Effects of captioned videos on learners' comprehension. Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies 6.1, 1062-1082.

Hsieh, Yufen (2020). Effects of video captioning on EFL vocabulary learning and listening comprehension. Computer Assisted Language Learning 33.5-6, 567-589.

Kam, Emily Fen & Liu, Yeu-Ting & Tseng, Wen-Ta (2020). Effects of modality preference and working memory capacity on captioned videos in enhancing L2 listening outcomes. ReCALL 32.2, 213-230.

Khazdouzian, Yashar & Celaya, María Luz & Barón, Júlia (2020). When Watching is not Enough. The Effects of Captions on L2 Pragmatics Acquisition and Awareness. RAEL - Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 19.2, 90-107.

Kim, Na-Young (2020). The effects of the use of captions on low- and high-level EFL learners' speaking performance. Linguistic Research 37, Special Edition (September), 135-161.

Kim, Na-Young (2020). Languages on the Screen. A Study on Reversed Subtitling and EFL Receptive Language Skills. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning 23.1, 37-66.

Kim, Na-Young (2020). The Ordering Effects of Captions on Korean Aviation Students' Self-confidence, Interest, and Motivation in English Learning. Journal of the Korea Academic-Industrial Cooperation Society 21.4, 362-373.

Kim, Sung-Min & Lee, Eun-Joo (2020). The Effects of Aural and Textual Input Enhancement Through Movie Clips on the Korean EFL Students' Learning of Parallelism Rules. Modern English Education 21.4, 45-57.

Kruger-Roux, Helena & Angu, Pineteh, E. (2020). Bimodal and Unimodal Comprehension and Reception of Discipline-Specific Audiovisual Texts Among Students in a Faculty of Health Sciences. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education 27.2, 63-77.

Lee, Minjin & Révész, Andrea (2020). Promoting Grammatical Development through Captions and Textual Enhancement in Multimodal Input-Based Tasks. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42.3, 625-651.

Lervåg, Ingvild Kjølstad (2020). Role of subtitles in L2 acquisition and comprehension. Evidence from hearing-impaired students. Master's Thesis: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.

Li, Yi-Ying (2020). The Effects of English Caption and Chinese Subtitle on EFL University Students' Vocabulary Learning and Listening Comprehension. Master's Thesis: National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Douliu.

Liao, Sixin & Kruger, Jan-Louis & Doherty, Stephen (2020). The impact of monolingual and bilingual subtitles on visual attention, cognitive load, and comprehension. Journal of Specialised Translation 33, 70-98.

Majuddin, Elvenna (2020). Incidental and intentional acquisition of multiword expressions from audio-visual input. The effects of typographically enhanced captions and repetition. Ph.D. Thesis: Victoria University of Wellington.

Mansouri, Ismahane & Grib, Dalel (2020). The Effectiveness of Using English Subtitles Movies as a Successful Vocabulary Building Material in Secondary Schools. Master's Thesis: Larbi Tebessi University, Tebessa.

Martínez Martínez, Silvia & Hunt Gómez, Coral Ivy (2020). Uso de aplicaciones online para plataformas en streaming: Language Learning with Netflix. Texto Livre - Linguagem e Tecnologia 13.3, 63-78.

Matthew, Gordon (2020). The effect of adding same-language subtitles to recorded lectures for non-native, English speakers in e-learning environments. Research in Learning Technology 28, article 2340.

Nakamura, Sachiko & Spring, Ryan (2020). How Watching Subtitled YouTube Videos Can Affect EFL Listening and Reading Abilities. Teaching English through Multimedia - ATEM Journal 25, 3-16.

Nasimi, Shabnam (2020). Vocabulary Learning Promotion through Watching Subtitled Movies among EFL Learners in Iran. In: 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, History and Civilization. September 15, 2020. Tbilisi, Georgia. Proceedings.

Nguyen, Ha Dinh Nhu (2020). Understanding EFL Students' Use of Listening Strategies in Watching English Captioned Movies. Research Journal of English 5.3, 97-114; reprinted 2020 in: Vietnam Journal of Education 4.2, 37-46.

Nguyen, Dinh Nhu Ha & Tran, Quoc Thao (2020). Non-English Majors' Attitudes towards the Use of English Captioned Videos in English Class. TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225. 12, 77-84.

Özgen, Mehmet & Gündüz, Nazli (2020). Authentic Captioned Sitcom as Listening Comprehension Material in English Language Teaching. ELT Research Journal 9.2, 167-193.

Pattemore, Anastasia & Muñoz, Carmen (2020). Learning L2 constructions from captioned audio-visual exposure. The effect of learner-related factors. System 93, article 102303.

Pattemore, Anastasia & Suárez, Maria del Mar & Muñoz, Carmen (2020). Exploring L2 TV mode preferences and perceptions of learning. In: Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete et al. (eds.), CALL for widening participation. Short papers from EUROCALL 2020. Voillans:, 272-278.

Pujadas, Geòrgia & Muñoz, Carmen (2020). Examining Adolescent EFL Learners' TV Viewing Comprehension through Captions and Subtitles. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42.3, 551-575.

Rahim, Nur Syairah & Afnizul, Afina Nazira (2020). Using Captioned Videos in Teaching English Vocabulary. A Case Study on a Primary School Teacher. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Sains Sosial & Kemanusiaan - PASAK5 2020. Proceedings. Kajang: Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, 234-242.

Ramli, Harry Azhar (2020). The Use of 'Inside Out' Movie's Subtitles to Improve Reading (A Case Study at SMK-PP Saree). B.Ed. Thesis: Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh.

Rojas Encalada, María A. & Arteaga Sarmiento, Magaly (2020). Developing vocabulary of hospitality and tourism in university students. Subtitled videos for lexicon generation. In: Soto, Sandy T. (ed.), Understanding EFL students' learning through classroom research. Experiences of teacher-researchers. Machala: Ediciones UTMACH, 9-34.

Romero-Villamil, Jorge Luis & Guzman-Martinez, Claudia Patricia (2020). Learning Vocabulary Through Instructional Subtitled Videos. GiST Education and Learning Research Journal 21, 7-25.

Sanjadireja, Roki Ranjani (2020). Subtitle in Teaching Pronunciation with Video. Indonesian Journal of English Teaching 9.1, 67-85.

Sinyashina, Ekaterina (2020). 'Incidental + Intentional' vs 'Intentional + Incidental' Vocabulary Learning. Which is More Effective? Complutense Journal of English Studies 28, 93-108.

Sinyashina, Ekaterina (2020). Watching Captioned Authentic Videos for Incidental Vocabulary Learning. Is It Effective? Nordic Journal of English Studies 19.1, 28-64.

Soler Pardo, Betlem (2020). Subtitling and dubbing as teaching resources for learning English as a foreign language using Clipflair software. Lenguaje y Textos 51, 41-56.

Trujillo Erazo, Tania Patricia (2020). Subtitled and Unsubtitled Movie and Listening Comprehension. Trabajo de Graduación: Universidad Técnica de Ambato.

Utomo, Dias Tiara Putri (2020). Improving Vocabulary Mastery Using Intralingual Subtitle and Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy. Journal of English Teaching Adi Buana 5.1, 31-39.

Wisniewska, Natalia (2020). Pronunciation learning through captioned videos. Gains in L2 speech perception and production. Doctoral Thesis: Universitat de Barcelona.

Wisniewska, Natalia & Mora, Joan C. (2020). Can Captioned Video Benefit Second Language Pronunciation? Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42.3, 599-624.

Yang, Peter (2020). The Cognitive and Psychological Effects of YouTube Video Captions and Subtitles on Higher-Level German Language Learners. In: Freiermuth, Mark R. & Zarrinabadi, Nourollah (eds.), Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 83-112.

Ahrabi Fakhr, Masoud & Borzabadi Farahani, Davood & Khomeijani Farahani, Ali Akbar (2021). Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Retention from Audiovisual Input and Factors Affecting Them. English Teaching & Learning 45.2, 167-188.

Aldukhayel, Dukhayel (2021). The effects of captions on L2 learners' comprehension of vlogs. Language Learning & Technology 25.2, 178-191.

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Chen, Chi (2021). Full vs. Partial Display of Verbal and Nonverbal Input - Efficacy of Different Presentation Modes on L2 Video Comprehension. Master's Thesis: National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei City.

Cintrón-Valentín, Myrna C. & García-Amaya, Lorenzo (2021). Investigating Textual Enhancement and Captions in L2 Grammar and Vocabulary. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 43.5, 1068-1093.

Dizon, Gilbert & Thanyawatpokin, Benjamin (2021). Language learning with Netflix. Exploring the effects of dual subtitles on vocabulary learning and listening comprehension. CALL-EJ 22.3, 52-65.

Ekinci, Mithat & Sanverdi, Mehmet (2021). The Effects of Using Captioned Videos on Vocabulary Achievement Levels of EFL Students. In: Yilmaz, Hasan & Yücel, Erdinç & Öztürk, Mustafa Serkan (eds.), Yabanci Dil Ögretimine Genel Bir Bakis V - A General Perspective on Foreign Language Teaching V. Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi, 92-100.

Fikri & Suriaman, Aminah & Rita, Ferry (2021). English Subtitle Video in Teaching Vocabulary to the Junior High School Students in Palu. In: Subiyantoro, Slamet et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2020). Amsterdam: Atlantis Press, 76-86.

García-Amaya, Lorenzo & Cintrón-Valentín, Myrna C. (2021). The Effects of Textually Enhanced Captions on Written Elicited Imitation in L2 Grammar. Modern Language Journal 105.4, 919-935.

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Teng, Mark Feng (2023). Effectiveness of captioned videos for incidental vocabulary learning and retention. The role of working memory. Computer Assisted Language Learning, online preprint:

Teng, Mark Feng (2023). Incidental vocabulary learning from captioned videos. Learners' prior vocabulary knowledge and working memory. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39.2, 517-531.

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